Showing 276 - 300 of 354 Results
Novæ Species Insectorum. Centuria I. Auctore Joanne Reinoldo Forstero, ... (Latin Edition) by Forster, Johann Reinhold, J... ISBN: 9781379697411 List Price: $22.95
A Catalogue of British Insects. by John Reinhold Forster, by Forster, Johann Reinhold, J... ISBN: 9781379713739 List Price: $19.95
An Introduction to Mineralogy: Or, an Accurate Classification of Fossils and Minerals, Viz. ... by Forster, Johann Reinhold, J... ISBN: 9781379739791 List Price: $22.95
Liber Singularis de Bysso Antiquorum, Quo, Ex Ægyptia Lingua, Res Vestiaria Antiquorum, Impr... by Forster, Johann Reinhold, J... ISBN: 9781379825876 List Price: $22.95
Characteres Generum Plantarum, Quas in Itinere Ad Insulas Maris Australis, Collegerunt, Desc... by Forster, Johann Reinhold, J... ISBN: 9781385126363 List Price: $23.95
Liber Singularis de Bysso Antiquorum, Quo, Ex �gyptia Lingua, Res Vestiaria Antiquorum, Impr... by Forster, Johann Reinhold ISBN: 9780666809919 List Price: $9.57
Forster's Catalogue of the Animals of North America, Or Faunula Americana by Johann Reinhold Forster ISBN: 9781376559187 List Price: $10.95
Beitr�ge Zur V�lker und l�nderkunde, Vol. 3 (Classic Reprint) by Forster, Johann Reinhold ISBN: 9780366457625 List Price: $30.70
Flora Americæ Septentrionalis; Or a Catalogue of the Plants of North America. Containing an ... by Johann Reinhold Forster ISBN: 9780343719289 List Price: $17.95
Flora Americæ Septentrionalis; Or a Catalogue of the Plants of North America. Containing an ... by Johann Reinhold Forster ISBN: 9780343719296 List Price: $36.95
An Easy Method of Assaying and Classing Mineral Substances. Containing Plain and Easy Instru... by Forster, Johann Reinhold, J... ISBN: 9781385694688 List Price: $19.95
Johann Reinhold Forster's Reise Um Die Welt W�hrend Den Jahren 1772 Bis 1775. Dritter Band by Johann Georg Adam Forster ISBN: 9780341026457 List Price: $19.95
Johann Reinhold Forster's Reise Um Die Welt W�hrend Den Jahren 1772 Bis 1775. Dritter Band by Johann Georg Adam Forster ISBN: 9780341026464 List Price: $29.95
Johann Reinhold Forster's und Georg Forster's Beschreibungen der Gattungen Von Pflanzen Auf ... by Forster, Johann Reinhold, F... ISBN: 9780341172918 List Price: $14.95
Neue Reise in das Innere Von Afrika, W�hrend der Jahre 1783 Bis 1785 by Vaillant, Francois Le, Joha... ISBN: 9780341334972 List Price: $29.95
Neue Reise in das Innere Von Afrika, W�hrend der Jahre 1783 Bis 1785 by Vaillant, Francois Le, Joha... ISBN: 9780341334965 List Price: $19.95
Travels Into North America by Johann Reinhold Forster, Pe... ISBN: 9783337344870 List Price: $45.50
A Voyage Round the World. Performed by Order of His Most Christian Majesty, in the Years 176... by Bougainville, Louis Antoine... ISBN: 9781376190120 List Price: $20.95
History of the American Privateers, and Letters-Of-Marque: During Our War with England in th... by Johann Reinhold Forster, Ge... ISBN: 9780342339921 List Price: $20.95
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